If the rumors are correct, Apple’s new iPhone 5S should be released in September. As each day passes there are more details coming out about the proposed new handset. We know the talk about the fingerprint sensor but today we hear news that the new iPhone could have LTE Advanced support. This will give iPhone users the opportunity to pick up speeds at more than double the speed of 4G LTE , around 150 Mbps+.
The report comes from an unnamed source from S K Telecom, South Korean carrier. They are currently holding talks with Apple regarding the release of an LTE-A phone at some point in the latter part of the year. Further reports speculate that if this LTE-A phone does become a reality, it will most likely have a Qualcomm modem in it
This news follows the release last week of a 150Mbps LTE-A network by S K Telecom. Alongside that Samsung gave us a look at their new Galaxy S4 LTE-A phone; this will be the first in no less than 7 mobile devices that will be launched on the new network in South Korea.
Korea is one country that has seen a huge increase in demand for high-speed devices. Apple has made the decision to test how marketable LTE-A actually is by using South Korea as their guinea pig. Once the results of the test period are known they will consider their next move, into the Chinese market.
Some of the larger US carriers are set to start launching LTE-A in the near future. However, whether the iPhone 5S can actually support them is another matter. It may be little late in the production day for such major additions to be made now. It’s also perhaps unbelievable that Apple would actually provide support for something that is not even in the USA right now.
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