Sunday, July 7, 2013

Google Glass Alternative – New Recon Jet Glass

Last year, Google gave us a preview of its new product,  Google Glass. However, although it’s a sought after device it does have a hefty price tag of $1,500 and is limited to those who were successful in applying to become Glass Explorers. It is expected that it will become available to the general sometime next year.
recon-jet-google glass buy
However, it’s just been given its first real test in the form of a viable rival.  Recon Jet is an augmented reality wearable computer, just like Google Glass but its far cheaper and far more accessible.  It will begin shipping in the next couple of months with a price tag of just $499, although initial stocks will be a little limited.
Recon Jet Features :
For a device that is a third of the cost of Google Glass its specs don’t look too bad.  It has quite a few sensors, most of which are 3-D.  It has 1GB RAM whereas Glass has just 682mb confirmed, possible 1GB at the outside. And the processor speeds, 1GHz are pretty much the same for both as well.  And the manufacturers are going to be opening API’s so that developers can get to work on compatible apps.
recon jet google glass
The video that has been uploaded to YouTube, showing Recon Jet in use as demonstrated by American Cyclist George Hincapie

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